Introduction & Origins

My first recollection of anything SCA was actually about four or five, at my paternal grandparent's house; my uncle and his friend were doing heavy combat on the front lawn. I have also had an interest in knights, dragons, and medieval things when I was growing up. I'm not sure what sparked that interest, however.
I was actually introduced to the SCA when I was eleven or twelve years old, by my aunt and uncle, my father's brother and his wife (They had actually began playing back in the 80s, and met through the SCA). It was a day event in the Barony of Fettburg, Principality of Cynagua, West Kingdom. I hadn't really a clue what was going on; my garb was pretty decent, though. I was mostly drawn to the heavy and rapier tournaments. I do recall being beet red when called up in court for the "first event" tokens.
During my stay at my aunt and uncle's, I went with them to a few social meetings. I recall (now) Sir Mari Alexander, and Count Sir Gemini de Grendel, specifically (they both have very intense personalities, in my opinion).

After that visit with my aunt and uncle, the SCA fell out of existence to me. Sometime when I was twenty-one, I was suddenly hit with the urge to look up the SCA. I don't know what prompted it, however.
The shire I lived in, Brinaiaide, was dormant, and the next closest was about a hour's drive away. For some reason, I had a real fire in my gut about involving myself. I got in touch with the Shire of Canale's chatelaine, Mistress Else Hunrvogt. Simultaneously, I was developing my persona, and was in touch with a Laurel very knowledgeable in Welsh culture.
I was driving two hours round-trip to Canale's fighter practices, I was well-received by Else and her husband, Sir Heinrich von Melk, Feargus mac Airt, and a few others. Subsequent fighter practices saw me in loaner armor (the horrors). They invited me to the March Crown tournament (2010). I like to think they fostered me into the SCA. I like to think I share many sentiments as Sir Heinrich regarding heavy fighting.

I abruptly moved to southern Oregon, and mundane life took precedence.
In the spring of 2011, I looked at the armor I bought, and wanted to actually wear it, and fight. I checked out the local branches, and attended a war practice. There, I got in touch with Lord Robert Engleson, and subsequently spent a couple days working at his place, and got myself fighting fit.
From there, I began attending practices, and a few events. Which brings us to the present.

More to follow, I assure you.

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