Hocktide Emprise, 2012

Hocktide Emprise is Glyn Dwfn's premiere event. Largely an equestrian event, it also hosts the Shire Defender tournament with some atypical rules.
"Hocktide Rules" as they've become colloquially known, only acknowledge good limb blows, rather than "taking" the leg or arm. Two limb blows results in a death.
The tournament also consists of an atypical format: six rounds to be fought, with a set number of "lives", the fighter with the most lives at the end wins. A fighter could have fought with or without "honors", that is to say, to contend for the Shire Defender position. Each round was a different weapon style: single sword, sword and shield, mass weapon and shield, two weapon, greatsword, pole/great weapon.

Of the six rounds I won the first two; single sword and sword and shield. To me, these were the most important. Largely, the fighting wasn't important to me, while I was fighting for the Defender title, I think that the format distracted me well enough from getting too deep into my head, and getting overly-serious.

More over, the event was relaxing and mellow. Nothing much else about this event (plus, I'm playing catch up)

1 comment:

  1. It was nice to see you relaxed in your fighting, less in your head. And I appreciated the support you gave me as far as the equestrian stuff.
