This is a subject that's been on my mind for the past month or so. The inspiration of a fighter, the consort.
For me representing another individual puts me in a different mindset than I normally have. My actions not only reflect myself, but my consort as well, and thus I feel obligated (from an internal view, not external) to act and speak in such a way that brings her honor as well as myself; I've felt this way in non-fighting/non-SCA aspects as well, a desire to please and not let someone down. Such a partnership encourages me to perform better, in a sense of worthiness of even having a consort, though I do not know where this personal notion stems from.
I can appreciate fighting for someone you're romantically involved with. However, the additional social/interpersonal facets that consort-fighter relationship may add to a romantic relationship seems a rather daunting notion, and I'm certainly not in a place where that would be okay with my mental state.
My concept of a fighter-consort relationship seems very one sided, and this bothers me. I see a consort as someone who cares for the fighter before, during and after fighting; Ensures they are in a healthy state, physically and mentally, as well as representing the fighter, being worthy of honor and to be fought for. While the fighter simply has the latter of the consort's requirements: representation and worthiness of such.
Maybe I'm over thinking "how things are".
I had asked my foster mother, Viscountess Acacia Gryffyn, about women who might be suitable consorts, she had one response: Astrid.
I won't bother with the finer details of the interim, but Astrid agreed
to a partnership for the season (when the season "officially" ends, I'm
unsure). The communication has been good, and she's begun work on a
(Left) Viscountess Acacia Gryffyn, 26th, and 31st Princess of the Summits.
(Right) Beginnings of Astrid's favor.
Astrid and I have had decently strong communication as to what we want, what we're willing to provide and so forth. On the 26th I'm heading up to the Barony of Terra Pomaria for their Bar Gemel's event where I'll be giving two oaths of service, one to Visc. Acacia, and another to her husband, Visc. Sir Brian Caius Brittanicus. There will be three tournaments, two of which Astrid will be present-a torchlight tournament, and The Griffin's Quest tournament. The latter is a scholarship tournament for Ursulmas, which requires sponsorship by a Lady of the Valorous Estate. Good thing I know a Viscountess.
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